
GLOBALIZATION AND COSMOPOLITANISM (Deadline for paper submissions: December 20, 2020)

The end of the cold war was marked by the advent of the phenomenon of globalization. Theoretical reflection on the theme has pointed out its main consequences: the growing interdependence of flows and entities on a global scale, in a world where everything happens in increasingly synchronous spaces and times, the dissolution of identity ties, the phenomenon of the “liquid society”, but also identity reactions of conflicting political sign.

With globalization, the ideas of cosmopolitanism have seen a new increase. They are associated with such claims as “world citizenship” (inherited from Greek stoicism), enlightened citizenship, a just and peaceful world order, free movement of persons and goods, among many others. It is understandable that peoples' imagination, in the international climate of hope fostered by the end of the cold war, felt the attraction of these ideas. In a world hitherto marked by the confrontation of rival ideologies and economic systems, but also by aggressive nationalisms of various types, that was trying to be freed from this situation, the ideas of globalization and cosmopolitanism appeared naturally associated.

These two ideas, however, have a different genesis and are not naturally associated. The naivety that underlies this association results from an interpretation of the phenomenon of globalization disconnected from understanding its economic nature and the interests that are associated with it. Actually, globalization, as it has in fact happened since the beginning of the 1990s, has been in close connection with the process of affirming neo-liberal capitalism and of deregulation of financial markets, the consequences of which only the recent crises have really uncovered. Cosmopolitan ideas, on the other hand, especially as they were formulated in the 18th century as a reflection of the ideals of the Enlightenment, seem to ignore this economic component of the world order and the inequalities or asymmetries that it can bring about. Recently, new challenges have emerged for a cosmopolitan point of view, with the emergence of global risks, such as climate change and pandemic crises: a situation that questions the autonomy of national states, in those cases where the risks associated with an activity inside national boundaries may be “exported” to neighbor states.

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N.º 5 - Globalization and Cosmopolitanism (Deadline for paper submissions: Dezember 20, 2020)

The end of the cold war was marked by the advent of the phenomenon of globalization. Theoretical reflection on the theme has pointed out its main consequences: the growing interdependence of flows and entities on a global scale, in a world where everything happens in increasingly synchronous spaces and times, the dissolution of identity ties, the phenomenon of the “liquid society”, but also identity reactions of conflicting political sign.

With globalization, the ideas of cosmopolitanism have seen a new increase. They are associated with such claims as “world citizenship” (inherited from Greek stoicism), enlightened citizenship, a just and peaceful world order, free movement of persons and goods, among many others. It is understandable that peoples' imagination, in the international climate of hope fostered by the end of the cold war, felt the attraction of these ideas. In a world hitherto marked by the confrontation of rival ideologies and economic systems, but also by aggressive nationalisms of various types, that was trying to be freed from this situation, the ideas of globalization and cosmopolitanism appeared naturally associated.

These two ideas, however, have a different genesis and are not naturally associated. The naivety that underlies this association results from an interpretation of the phenomenon of globalization disconnected from understanding its economic nature and the interests that are associated with it. Actually, globalization, as it has in fact happened since the beginning of the 1990s, has been in close connection with the process of affirming neo-liberal capitalism and of deregulation of financial markets, the consequences of which only the recent crises have really uncovered. Cosmopolitan ideas, on the other hand, especially as they were formulated in the 18th century as a reflection of the ideals of the Enlightenment, seem to ignore this economic component of the world order and the inequalities or asymmetries that it can bring about. Recently, new challenges have emerged for a cosmopolitan point of view, with the emergence of global risks, such as climate change and pandemic crises: a situation that questions the autonomy of national states, in those cases where the risks associated with an activity inside national boundaries may be “exported” to neighbor states.

However, as the two concepts actually intersect, a reevaluation of their meaning becomes essential. In order to reflect approximations and tensions between globalization and cosmopolitanism today, the IJPSV launches a call for articles for its number III / 1, addressing, among others, the following themes:

  1. Origin of the concepts of cosmopolitanism and globalization.
  2. Global governance and the common good.
  3. Globalization, cosmopolitanism and climate change.
  4. Global policies and ecological awareness.
  5. Cosmopolitanism and global risks.
  6. Global citizenship and collective responsibility.
  7. Cosmopolitanism and postmodern condition.
  8. Cosmopolitanism, globalism and “end of history” doctrines.
  9. Cosmopolitanism and anti-cosmopolitanism.
  10. Contemporary globalization theorists.


Revista do Centro de Estudos de Filosofia V1 N1 jun2018Todos os interessados poderão encontrar a chamada de artigos para o n.º 5  da revista do Centro de Estudos de Filosofia (CEFi) da UCP, International Journal of Philosophy and Social Values, no site da revista (, bem como as instruções para os autores. O Dossier temático deste n.º 5 é "Globalização e Cosmopolitismo". Os textos enviados serão sujeitos ao processo de double blind peer-review. A data-limite para o envio é o dia 20 de Dezembro de 2020.

N.º 3 - EUROPEAN IDENTITY (Deadline for paper submissions: April 15, 2019)

The identity of Europe was historically shaped by the Greek ideal of scientific rationality, by Roman law and by the Judeo-Christian tradition. Moreover, Europe emerged as a specific place through the development of philosophy, as a way of thinking that goes beyond any regional particularity. The idea that European culture has a world significance, because of its relation to philosophical thought, is expressed in Kant's prediction of "a great body of the future" emerging in Europe, a league of nations that will probably "legislate "and will serve as a guiding example for humanity. The "cosmopolitan existence" postulated by Kant as the final end of world history is a philosophical idea of the collective political destiny of humanity. The (particular) history of the peoples of "our continent" is thus bound to the (universal) destiny - liberation or emancipation - of humanity. This optimistic prognosis seems to have been contradicted in the last few decades: European humanity and culture seem to lose faith in themselves and if Europe is still sought by many as a place of refuge or survival, belief in a spiritual superiority of European culture is weakening, in the first place, probably, among the Europeans themselves.

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Todos os interessados poderão encontrar a chamada de artigos para o n.º 3  da revista do Centro de Estudos de Filosofia (CEFi) da UCP, International Journal of Philosophy and Social Values, no site da revista (, bem como as instruções para os autores. O Dossier temático deste n.º 3 é "A Identidade Europeia". Os textos enviados serão sujeitos ao processo de double blind peer-review. A data-limite para o envio é o dia 15 de Abril de 2019.

Alexis de Tocqueville, in Democracy in America, taught that religion is necessary for a healthy political order. American democracy, he argued, owned both its origins and its preservation to Christianity. According to him, this was no accident: by teaching the equality of all men before God, Christianity laid the groundwork for the belief in equality of all before the law. Christianity also played a key role in fostering the growth of democratic self-government in America. Pilgrims came to America in order to live out their religious beliefs in communities of their own creation. They settled a democratic government for their churches, and by so doing they developed the expectation that they would as well settle political issues democratically.

The situation has been somewhat different in Europe, where, since the end of Middle Age, several secular institutions and political movements arose independently of the Church and sometimes even against Church influence. Since the French Revolution, a laic state meant, sometimes, not only a state independent of Christian religion as a source of political legitimacy, but also a state committed to fight against religion. The situation changed in the mid twentieth Century, with the appearance of the Christian Democratic movement. This movement found its inspiration and base of support in the Christian social doctrine, and in some encyclicals of the popes and other Church documents, since Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum until de 2nd Vatican Council and beyond. Some catholic and protestant philosophers and theologians, like Ernst Troeltsch, Jacques Maritain and Emmanuel Mounier, offered important contributions to the issue. Meanwhile, Christian Democrat political parties operated autonomously from ecclesiastical organizations and often welcomed the support of agnostics or atheists. Over time, until their recent crisis in great European democracies like Germany or Italy, those parties came to adopt a more secular discourse, sometimes privileging pragmatic policies over overtly religious themes. More recently, some theologians like the Dominican father Gustavo Gutierrez tried to think the ways of applying Christian social teachings in contexts of extreme poverty and authoritarian regimes as in Latin America.

In our time, is strongly needed an analysis of the meaning of a Christian oriented political action in major democratic countries as a means to fuel a global dialogue on such issues as equitable governance, sustainability, or economic development and social justice, from a democratic perspective.

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Este trabalho é financiado por Fundos Nacionais da FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, no âmbito do projeto U&D/FIL/00701/2019



Data de Publicação

junho 2018




Data de Publicação

dezembro 2018




Data de Publicação

junho 2019




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About the Journal

The International Journal of Philosophy and Social Values ​​(IJPSV) - Revista de Filosofia Prática - is an official publication of the School of Human Sciences of Catholic University of Portugal

The IJPSV is part of the institutional space of Catholic University of Portugal. Thus, and regardless of authors’ scientific freedom, participation in the Journal presupposes, on the part of these, respect for the principles that configure the identity of the institution.

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Objectives and Scope

With a semi-annual periodicity and publication in printed and electronic media, the IJPSV ​​proposes to contribute to the creation and transmission of knowledge in different areas of Philosophy, with particular emphasis on issues of Practical Philosophy.

As editorial guidelines, the IJPSV ​​understands Practical Philosophy in the sense of Western philosophical tradition since since Aristotle, covering areas of Ethics and Moral Philosophy, Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Economics and Social Sciences. In view of the Journal’s institutional framework, emphasis will be placed on the critical debate on contemporary problems based on Christian social thought and the Church's Social Doctrine.

Each issue of IJPSV consists of a thematic dossier, with articles in English, sections containing reviews, news about scientific and academic life, especially within the scope of Philosophy, and, occasionally, the publication of essays on specific topics.

The IJPSV is based on the rigor and scientific quality of its articles, guaranteed by a peer review of recognized quality and academic qualification, nationally and internationally, according to the double blind peer-review system. The articles sent or requested will be submitted to the analysis of national and international specialists, who approve or disapprove their publication or propose changes, clarifications and corrections.

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O International Journal of Philosophy and Social Values - Revista de Filosofia Prática - é uma publicação oficial da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

A revista enquadra-se no espaço institucional da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Como tal, e independentemente da liberdade científica que é reconhecida aos autores, a participação na revista supõe, da parte daqueles, o respeito pelos princípios que conformam a identidade da instituição.

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Objetivos e Âmbito

Com periocidade bianual e publicação em suporte impresso e eletrónico, o International Journal of Philosophy and Social Values tem como objetivos principais contribuir para a criação e a transmissão do conhecimento nas diferentes áreas da Filosofia, com particular incidência nas temáticas da Filosofia Prática.

Para efeitos de orientação editorial, o International Journal of Philosophy and Social Values entende a Filosofia Prática no sentido em que, desde Aristóteles, a tradição filosófica do Ocidente configurou este conceito, englobando hoje as áreas de Ética e Filosofia Moral, Filosofia Política e Filosofia da Economia e das Ciências Sociais. Tendo em conta o enquadramento institucional da revista, será dado relevo ao debate crítico dos problemas contemporâneos pelo pensamento social cristão e pela Doutrina Social da Igreja.

Cada número da revista é composto por um dossiê temático, com artigos em língua inglesa, por secções que contemplem recensões, notícias da vida científica e da vida académica, em particular no âmbito da Filosofia, e, em função do espaço disponível, pela publicação de ensaios sobre temas diferentes dos do dossiê.

A revista assenta no rigor e na qualidade científica dos seus artigos, garantidos pela revisão por pares de reconhecida qualidade e qualificação académica, nacional e internacionalmente, de acordo com o sistema de double blind peer-review. Para tal, os artigos enviados ou solicitados serão submetidos a análise por especialistas nacionais e internacionais, que aprovam ou reprovam a sua publicação ou sugerem alterações, clarificações e correções aos textos.

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Carlos Morujão
Mendo Castro Henriques
Conselho Editorial
Vogais: Artur Morão, Inês Bolinhas, Jorge Teixeira da Cunha, José Manuel Heleno
Luís Lóia
Conselho Científico

Adela Cortina (Universidade de Valência)

Andrés Antunez (Instituto de Psicologia - Universidade de São Paulo)

Cornelia Gasparel (Romanian Academy, Iaşi Branch - PECAFROM)

Dan Gabriel (Faculty of Communication Sciences, "Apollonia” University of Iasi)

Frederick Lawrence (Boston College - Theology Department)

Irene Borges Duarte (Universidade de Évora)

Ignasi Boada (Universidade Ramon Llul – Barcelona)

Javier San Martín (UNED – Madrid)

Jean Leclercq (Universidade de Lovaina)

João Vila-chã (Universidade Gregoriana)

Manuel Cândido Pimentel (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)

Maria Luísa Portocarrero (Universidade de Coimbra)

Massimo Mori (Universidade de Turin)

Montserrat Herrero (Universidade de Navarra)

Pedro M. S. Alves (Universidade de Lisboa)

Pierre Vercauteren (Universidade de Lovaina)

Viriato Soromenho Marques (Universidade de Lisboa)

Wolfgang Kersting (Universidade de Kiel)


Estatuto Editorial

A Revista International Journal of Philosophy and Social Values - Revista de Filosofia Prática é uma publicação oficial do CEFI – Centro de Estudos de Filosofia, sediado na Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

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Sapien nec sagittis aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu vitae. Vitae tempus quam pellentesque nec nam aliquam sem et tortor. Tempor commodo ullamcorper a lacus vestibulum sed arcu.

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Aenean eget aliquet mi, in ullamcorper nisi. Curabitur ut tempor urna. Vivamus auctor, ex id pellentesque tempor, justo neque viverra libero, efficitur gravida nunc purus eu dolor. Morbi scelerisque felis erat, ac euismod diam auctor a. Donec volutpat odio sed vestibulum dapibus. Curabitur bibendum ante eu massa convallis pretium. Suspendisse pharetra dignissim bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec quis varius lorem. Donec a urna ac diam pulvinar finibus.

Quisque non arcu rutrum, mattis quam ut, dapibus felis. Duis ac commodo ligula. Nam bibendum egestas purus nec sodales. Fusce vestibulum rutrum malesuada. Donec tincidunt purus a lectus tempor finibus. Curabitur semper dictum nibh. Quisque eleifend lacus vitae ante laoreet rhoncus. In ac magna nec libero sagittis interdum. Curabitur vitae tortor vitae leo porta porttitor sed et ipsum. Sed at magna condimentum, faucibus tellus eget, commodo magna. Nullam egestas eros eu diam pulvinar feugiat. Quisque tristique nulla sit amet finibus fermentum. Fusce maximus rutrum eros a fermentum. Nullam et rutrum arcu. Morbi efficitur, nisi sed tincidunt sollicitudin, felis eros efficitur dui, a efficitur mauris ipsum eget nisi. Vestibulum imperdiet diam eros.

Mauris eleifend tellus non felis ultrices, a ultricies odio malesuada. Curabitur sed rutrum augue. Cras in libero erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque consectetur eros risus. Nullam id auctor eros. Etiam lorem risus, ultricies id tristique sed, volutpat ut massa. Praesent ornare posuere elit, pharetra lobortis lacus volutpat eu.

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International Journal of Philosophy & Social Values

Revista do CEFi

A Revista International Journal of Philosophy and Social Values - Revista de Filosofia Prática é uma publicação oficial do CEFI – Centro de Estudos de Filosofia, sediado na Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Com periocidade bianual e publicação em suporte impresso e eletrónico, o International Journal of Philosophy and Social Values tem como objetivos principais contribuir para a criação e a transmissão do conhecimento nas diferentes áreas da Filosofia, com particular incidência nas temáticas da Filosofia Prática.

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Call for papers

Submissão de Artigos

Estão abertas as submissões para o número 5. Prazo final de envio até ao dia 30 de Novembro de 2020.




The end of the cold war was marked by the advent of the phenomenon of globalization. Theoretical reflection on the theme has pointed out its main consequences: the growing interdependence of flows and entities on a global scale, in a world where everything happens in increasingly synchronous spaces and times, the dissolution of identity ties, the phenomenon of the “liquid society”, but also identity reactions of conflicting political sign.

With globalization, the ideas of cosmopolitanism have seen a new increase. They are associated with such claims as “world citizenship” (inherited from Greek stoicism), enlightened citizenship, a just and peaceful world order, free movement of persons and goods, among many others. It is understandable that peoples' imagination, in the international climate of hope fostered by the end of the cold war, felt the attraction of these ideas. In a world hitherto marked by the confrontation of rival ideologies and economic systems, but also by aggressive nationalisms of various types, that was trying to be freed from this situation, the ideas of globalization and cosmopolitanism appeared naturally associated.

These two ideas, however, have a different genesis and are not naturally associated. The naivety that underlies this association results from an interpretation of the phenomenon of globalization disconnected from understanding its economic nature and the interests that are associated with it. Actually, globalization, as it has in fact happened since the beginning of the 1990s, has been in close connection with the process of affirming neo-liberal capitalism and of deregulation of financial markets, the consequences of which only the recent crises have really uncovered. Cosmopolitan ideas, on the other hand, especially as they were formulated in the 18th century as a reflection of the ideals of the Enlightenment, seem to ignore this economic component of the world order and the inequalities or asymmetries that it can bring about. Recently, new challenges have emerged for a cosmopolitan point of view, with the emergence of global risks, such as climate change and pandemic crises: a situation that questions the autonomy of national states, in those cases where the risks associated with an activity inside national boundaries may be “exported” to neighbor states.

However, as the two concepts actually intersect, a reevaluation of their meaning becomes essential. 

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Órgãos da Revista

Carlos Morujão

Mendo Castro Henriques

Vogais: José Manuel Heleno, Inês Bolinhas, Jorge Teixeira da Cunha, Artur Morão

Luís Lóia

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Acesso reservado a avaliadores. Para mais informações contacte-nos.


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